About us
Body Toning | Yoga | Fitness | Spinning | Body Building | Personal Training | Outdoors
About Urbanfit
Start your Body and Mind transformation with our easy payment plan of PAY AS YOU GO, either daily, weekly, wonthly or long term, we have made it simple, affordable & convenient for everyone to achieve their personal health goals.

Get the right support for regular training sessions with either a personal trainer or in groups. You will find these sessions motivating be it Strength Training to BULK or TONE, Aerobics to SLIM and get INSHAPE, Mixed Martial arts for SELF DEFENSE or Outdoor cycling, hiking or team building activites, there’s always a way to stay motivated and see results.

The Team
Spinning  |  insanity
Aerobics  |  steps
personal trainer
Yoga  |  Body tone

Amazing Transformation !

"Whether it is losing fat, gaining weight, boosting you fitness or improving your diet, Body Transformations are more than 'before' and 'after' pics. Behind those smiles and fresh gym kit, there's an inspiring story to be told about how you embarked on the journey to a healthier self.

Using different exercises and nutrition approaches and a positive mindset, you can prove that life-changing injuries, illnesses, low self-esteem and other huge life challenges like motherhood, heartbreak and grief, should be no barrier to feeling good about yourself..

  • Focus
  • Rest
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition